<% if session("login") <> "approved" then response.redirect "../index.asp" end if %> Table 1

Table 1. Suggested Diagnostic Evaluation of the Febrile HIV-Infected Patient Based on CD4+

T-Cell Count


Table 2. Recommended Stool Sample Evaluation in the HIV-Infected Patient with Diarrhea 

· Bacterial culture

· Ova and parasite examination

· Modified Acid-fast stain for Isospora belli, Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora cayetanensis

· Clostridium difficile toxin assay

· Wright stain for fecal leukocytes

· Consider colonoscopy in patients with persistent diarrhea and negative stool studies


Table 3. Recommended CSF Evaluation in the HIV-Infected Patient 

· Opening pressure

· Protein

· Glucose

· Cell count: WBC with differential, RBC

· Bacterial studies: Gram stain and culture; latex agglutination for antigen detection

· Mycobacterial studies: AFB smear and culture

· Fungal studies: KOH preparation; India ink stain; cryptococcal antigen; fungal culture



Table 4. Summary of Series Examining Fever of Unknown Origin in HIV-Infected Patients