
Table 1. Validly Described Named Species of Acinetobacter (www.bacterio.cict.fr)



A. calcoaceticus                       A. ursingii                               (sp.3  - A. pittii b)

A. parvus                                 A. beijerinckii                          (sp.13TU  - A. nosocomialisb)

A. baumannii                           A. soli                                     

A. baylyi                                  A. venetianus                           plus at least 9 other unnamed

A. haemolyticus                      A. gerneri                                 genomic species         

A. bouvetii                              A. radioresistens

A. junii                                    A. bereziniae

A. tjernbergiae                       A. guillouiae                                       

A. towneri                               A. schindleri                                         

A. johnsonii                            A. gyllenbergii                        

A. tandoii                                A.grimontiia                                        

A. lwoffii



asynonym of A. junii; bproposed species name not yet formally accepted.


Table 2. Examples of Potential Environmental Sources of A. baumannii During Hospital Outbreaks

 Patients                                                                     Hands of staff                        

Blood pressure cuffs                                                   Parenteral nutrition solution   

Gloves                                                                        Humidifiers

Respirometers                                                             Lotion dispensers

Rubbish bins                                                               Air supply

Bowls                                                                         Hand cream

Bedside charts                                                            Service ducts/dust

Computer keyboards                                                  Cell phones

Ventilators and tubing                                                 Oxygen analysers

Bronchoscopes                                                           Bed frames

Sinks                                                                          Jugs

Soap                                                                           Plastic screens                        

Bed linen, pillows and mattresses                                 Resuscitation bags