
  Nicholas J White, OBE DSc MD FRCP F Med Sci


Wellcome Trust Mahidol University Oxford

Tropical Medicine Research Programme

Faculty of Tropical Medicine 

Mahidol University 

420/6 Rajvithi Rd 

Bangkok 10400 


TEL +662 246 0832 FAX +662 246 7795 



            Professor White obtained a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of London (UK) in 1971, graduated in medicine with honours from Guy’s Hospital in 1975,

and was later awarded doctorates in medicine (1984) and science (1995) from the University of London . In 1980 he began work in Thailand with the Wellcome Trust

Mahidol University Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Programme, a collaborative research programme between Mahidol and Oxford Universities, and in 1986 was appointed as director. In 1991 he also began the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. Professor White’s research interests include the pathophysiology and treatment of malaria, melioidosis, typhoid, leptospirosis, dengue and other serious tropical infectious diseases.


            Professor White has contributed to over 500 peer reviewed scientific publications and has written over 30 book chapters. He is a full Professor at Mahidol University and also Oxford University. He is a member of several WHO advisory panels, and is on the International Editorial Advisory boards of several international journals including The Lancet and the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

         2009 Sanofi-aventis ICAAC Award Laureate