Kaushik Bharati, Ph.D.
Scientific Consultant
DBT Cell for UNESCO Regional Center for Biotechnology &
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute
National Institute of Immunology
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, J.N.U. Complex
New Delhi-110067, INDIA
Tel: +91-11-2674-1501
Email: kaushik@nii.res.in
Dr. Bharati obtained his PhD from the University of Calcutta (India) in 2001,
specializing in the area of Immunology. He then received his post-doctoral
training at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, U.K., working in the area
of DNA vaccines. After returning from England, he has been with the National
Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, working in the area of DNA and recombinant
protein vaccines against Japanese encephalitis. He has been actively involved in
developing recommendations on immunization practices for Japanese encephalitis
in India. He is currently on the reviewer’s panel of a number of medical
journals from U.S.A. and U.K.