Elizabeth Bergogne-Berezin
Professor of Microbiology
Editor, Journal Antibiotiques
Masson Publisher
100bis rue du cherche-Midi
75006 Paris, France
Tel: 33 1 40490674 / 33 1 45491300
E-mail: berezbiol@aol.com
Bergogne-Berezin, M.D., Ph.D., is a Professor of Clinical Microbiology, at the
University Paris 7. She is a Doctor in Medicine who specialized in
Microbiology-Infectious Diseases and she has developed a large Microbiology
Department at the Bichat Hospital for Clinical Microbiology and Research. She
has developed several fields of research at the University Hospital, Bichat-Claude-Bernard
in Paris. She is currently a Consultant in Microbiology and Pharmacology of
Antibiotics. Her current academic title is Professor Emeritus in
Her main topics of
interest are: Acinetobacter spp. As a nosocomial pathogen (epidemiology,
resistance, infections); pharmacology of antibiotics including tissue and body
fluid distribution, pharmacokinetics, and the pharmacodynamics of
antibacterials; intestinal microbial ecology, jejunal flora, bacterial adhesion
to intestinal mucosa, and impact of antibiotic therapy on intestinal flora.
Bergogne-Berezin works as an advisor for pharmaceutical companies (French
Ministry of Health), as an expert in pharmacology-toxicology, specializing in
She is current a
member of the International and French Scientific Societies of Advisory Boards
of Pharmaceutical Companies. She also serves on many scientific committees and
editorial boards of international medical journals. She works as a referee for
many international journals including the Journal of Antimicrobial Therapy,
Journal Chemotherapy, Clinical Microbiology Infection, Lancet, Drugs (Adis),
Bioscience Ediprint. She is Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Antibiotiques”
which she launched 3 years ago (1999, Masson Publisher, Vivendi Group).
Bergogne-Berezin has published over 200 international articles, six medical
books (3 in English) and has contributed to chapters in recent international
books of infectious diseases (Mosby), Pneumology (Respiratory Infection, James
Pennington Ed., Raven Press) and Antimicrobial Therapy and Vaccines (V.L. Yu).