Antoni Torres
Cap de Servei de Pneumologia i Al·lèrgia
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
C/ Villarroel, 170
Tel: +34 93 227 57 79
Fax: +34 93 227 98 13
Email: atorres@ub.edu
Antonio Torres Martí has been actively working in the field of biomedical
investigation since 1985. His curriculum demonstrates the solid formation he has
acquired in investigational work. This formation has been achieved by two
pillars of contrasting prestige: the group of Pneumology of the Hospital Clínic
and the Department of Anesthesia of the University of Harvard in the
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. From 1987-1988 Dr. Torres
undertook a stage there as a “research fellow” in the University of Harvard
where he studied the bases of biomedical investigation developing new
exploration techniques of muscular function by sonomicrometry in an animal model
with sheep. Dr. Torres published the experimental studies performed in this
model on post-thoracotomy muscular function and the evaluation of different
methods of mechanical ventilation. The results of these studies led to his being
awarded with the Edward Shanoff Award for investigation in Harvard.
On his
return to Barcelona, and within the clinical setting of the Unit of Intensive
Respiratory Care of the Department of Pneumology of the Hospital Clínic, Dr.
Torres has developed several lines of investigation in the field of respiratory
infections and artificial ventilation which may be summarized under the
following headings and associated to his 10 most relevant publications.